Bra Care

Please note: These are general guidelines for caring for your bra. Please refer to the manufacturer’s instructions to find the best way to care for your individual piece. If you have questions please do not hesitate to Contact us.

Care Guidelines

Proper care of your bra is essential. Hand-wash your bra in warm water with a mild soap using the following technique:

  • Fill the sink with cold water and add a small amount of mild soap. (Do not use Woolite or fabric softener)

  • Gently submerge your bra in the water with the clasps undone.

  • Let the bra soak for about 20 minutes. Then, gently rub together the fabric parts of the bra that come nearest to your underarms, being careful not to bend or re-position the underwire.

  • Drain the sink, and refill with cold water. let the bra sit in the rinse water for a bit, swishing around to get the soap out.

  • Drain the water. Now, rinse the bra beneath cold running water.

  • Do not wring the bra dry, especially if it has form padding. You may gently blot the bra between two towels.

  • Let the bra lay out flat to dry.


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